About us
One-sixone brings its technological expertise in energy storage systems to the energy sector.
Its know-how covers the critical life-cycle stages of battery systems (R&D, development, test & validation, certification, manufacturing).
Created in 2016, One-sixone builds on its founder’s more than 25 years of experience in battery research, design and industrialization.
One-sixone is based in the west of France near Nantes, where the development, testing and manufacture of prototypes are carried out.
One-sixone works for its customers worldwide.
Our vision
The challenges related to the development of renewable energies, the rise of sustainable mobility, the emergence of connected objects, mean that the energy sector is confronted with the massive introduction of new energy supply and storage solutions.
We are convinced that battery energy storage is strategic.
Electrochemistry, electronics, design and system architecture are key to meeting performance, service life, reliability, availability and security requirements.
Driven by a keen sense of innovation, customer satisfaction and operational excellence, we are part of a co-development process with our customers.
Our ambition is to accelerate the innovations of our customers, by accompanying them in the TRL rise of their products.
Partnerships and clusters
One-sixone is a member of the S2E2 competitiveness cluster for the smart grid and the Atlanpole Entreprises network.
Our name
One-sixone gets its name from the golden number: 1.61803398875, a number known since ancient times. The proportion of gold has a close relationship with artistic and natural harmony, to the point that some called it «the divine proportion».
It is found in the arrangement of the seeds of a sunflower, the Parthenon but also in the smile of the Mona Lisa.
It means to us the requirement, the precision.

Our logo
A rectangle is called gold if the quotient of its length by its width is equal to the golden number.In this rectangle can be drawn a square which then makes appear a new rectangle whose proportions correspond to the number of gold. This operation can be repeated and allows to obtain a new golden rectangle and so on. The rectangle symbolizes construction and development.
The golden spiral is formed by successive quarters of circles inscribed in each square. The spiral represents progression and creation.

Consulting, development,
tests & qualification, sourcingCells
The battery is the critical component of the battery system. Electrochemistry, design, dimensions and mastery of industrial processes are the key parameters that affect, among other things, performance, aging, reliability, availability and safety.
One-sixone, advises and accompanies you in the research, development and obtaining of cells adapted to your needs.
One-sixone advises its customers in the choice of the solution, its technology, its electrochemistry.
One-sixone designs and develops, with its industrial partners, custom Li-ion cells and accompanies you on all stages of the development cycle.
Specification: elaboration of specifications of needs and requirements.
R&D and design: elaboration of the technical specification of the needs, design of the solution.
Definition: construction of the definition file.
Manufacturing: prototypes.
Validation and certification:
development of the testing and qualification strategy, conduct of electrical performance tests and accelerated aging tests, management of abusive tests, etc.
Management and follow-up of prototypes and small-scale production in co-contracting with its industrial partners.
Audit of suppliers, implementation of security stocks on critical components, management of obsolescence, quality control and monitoring.
Battery systems
The range of battery and system solutions is plethora, but the solutions available are not adapted to your needs, requirements and constraints.
One-sixone, advises and accompanies you in the research, development and obtaining of battery systems adapted to your application.
Choice and comparison of solutions and technologies.
One-sixone designs and develops battery systems and supports you in all stages of the development cycle.
Specification: elaboration of specifications of needs and requirements.
R&D and design: development of the technical specification of requirements, design of the solution architecture, design of subsystems and components.
Definition: construction of the definition dossier.
Manufacturing: model and prototypes.
Validation and certification:
development of the testing and qualification strategy, conduct of electrical performance tests, control of integration tests, mechanical, climatic, electromagnetic, abusive, etc.
Custom assembly of all technologies and all formats.
Audit of suppliers, supply of battery systems, implementation of safety stocks on critical components, management of obsolescence, controls and quality monitoring.